Got questions?

If you've purchased the software then visit the above Signup button and register your account for the software.

Visit Homepage by clicking the above logo of AIProfitGen or visit and scroll down to pricing section and select any plan and pay with Cryptocurrency or by Perfect Money.

We use platforms like Wise and Payoneer to process payments due to their lower transaction fees. Your Credit/Debit Card details are secure, confidential, and never shared. We only charge upon your explicit authorization through your banking app, prioritizing your control and security.

Please visit Refund Page on the Website you can find it above in menu and fill your form if you eligible you'll be refunded in 24 hours. There's no Refund Policy for some software plans (T&C) applied.

Yes, we give 100% assurance for all the software.

If you're facing any issue please contact us by visiting Contact us page.